Sometime in the last month or more, a miracle has occurred at our house.
Jackson naps!
You might be thinking that this is a normal activity for a toddler . . . and you would be wrong. From day 1, Jackson has never been sure about the whole sleeping activity. There seemed to be too many fun activities going on in the house. And he had so much responsibility, watching over his inept parents and all. And so we battled, he and I. Some days (and nights) went well . . . and some did not. After I went back to work, he and I "went to the mattresses" over nighttime sleeping. Once I discovered that I was doing most things wrong, I emerged victorious and sweet dreams were restored to our house. Which made it so much easier to ignore that naps were still completely on Jackson's terms. And since he and his grandma had everything worked out for naps during the week, it wasn't as if he wasn't getting enough rest. So we soldiered on for entirely too long holding him until he fell asleep, trying not to fall asleep ourselves, and then trying to sneak him into his bed without his consent.
But it is all over!
My big guy can take naps in his bed all by himself. I must say that this has literally changed my life. Next naptime opponent - the nap-only, never-leaves-the-crib pacifier. Stay tuned.